Portfolio Vicent Sanz
- Self-taught person
- Teamwork
- Analysis capacity
- Leadership of multidisciplinary teams
Vicent Sanz i García
Computer skills Training
- Archicad, high level
- Artlantis, high level
- AUTOCAD, high level
- 3D Studio MAX, high level
- Measurements and estimates with Arquimedes, intermediate level.
- Indesign and illustrator , high level
- Photoshop, intermediate level
- Macromedia Dreamweaver, intermediate level
- Macromedia Flash, intermediate level
- Office, intermediate level
- Video editing, intermediate level (Adobe Premiere and Final Cut)
Work experience
- Marketing, communication and IT chief at VIDAL AUTOMATIZACION Y CONTROL, S.L. since 2018.
- Writing projects and monitoring ejecució work on the technical team of Plural, Coop. V. since 2010.
- Web Design, advertising, SEO & SEM and Community Manager Freelance since 2008.
- Business practices in the City of Buñol, Plan Restauro and work to fellow-dessenvolupament local office and technical office. Period: 8 months.
- Scholar Grant Collaborator Casa del Alumne (UPV). Period: 7 months
Volunteer experience
- Treasurer Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià
- Educator in the “Agrupament Escolta Hiawatha” (Vinalesa)
- Educator in the “Agrupament Escolta Alezeya” (Massamagrell)
Conferences, seminars and other
- DOCOMOMO IV Congreso Ibérico “Architecture and Tourism: 1925-1965”
- Course Architecture and Sustainability –Un compromiso necesario-
- Course Architecture and Music. Workshop Intensive Projects.
- III International Congress of Architecture White CIAB3.
- Second Prize in the Second Announcement of Awards Verni-Prens them.
- Collaboration in the publication : “El testimonio de Vitruvio: edificios, lugares y personas mencionados en “De Architectura”, Author: Margarita Fernandez Gomez, Ed.: Ediciones Generales de la Construcción.
- Collaboration in the thesis “Proceso a la leyenda de las Brontë : arquitectura y paisaje desde una perspectiva ecocrítica” Author: Aurora Astor Guardiola.
- Driving license type B (have own vehicle)
- Bachiller in I.E.S. Cheste
- Animator IVAJ for Youth
- Architecture studies ETSAV
Any aspect of architecture. In addition, the design, computing and programming.
As for my free time I devote to reading, photography, hiking and mountaineering.

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